From This is My Milwaukee
According to Mike Russo, Febrizzio's has a long-standing rivalry with Blackstar. Now that he no longer works there, he eats at Febrizzio's frequently.
- the Museum Center's in-house cafe and grill, offering hamburgers, lasagna and the vegetarian option, french fries
- According to page 11 of A Reasonable Haven, FeBrizzio's offers a number of incentives to their employees.
- Adults - seasonal employment opportunities
- Teen - Teen Dinner Time! coupon booklet
- Former Resident - Former Resident Pack
- Family - Family Pack
- Polyskilled - FeBrizzio's Sword of Slaying
- Powerclass 40+ - Franchising opportunity
- Special - FeBrizzio's Airshio life-time pass
- Note: FeBrizzio's offers a Sword of Slaying and an Airship lifetime pass, which may become handy in this adventure.
FeBrizzio's Homme
- provided Terry Nanny's clothing for the "This Is My Milwaukee" promo video.