
From This is My Milwaukee
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Milwaukee: A Reasonable Haven

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(Arrival continued)

thorough purification. While you wait, you can fill out
your city registration forms. Stay away from unlicensed
spas in the outer sectors; you've traveled too far to un-
dergo cleansing in the back room of a parlour.

Feeling right again? Stop by the MTC office one
last time before heading back to your housing complex.
We'll show you a short slideshow introducing Milwau-
kee customs and culture. (If you're a teen or are coming
from Wichita, ask to see a special video made just for
you.) Also, if you are skilled or polyskilled, a registrar
will add you to the Blackstar Book.

Now you're a Current Resident!

(handwritten notes)
(green, re: underlined phrase) MIKES, ARE WE STILL DOING THIS -LB
(red) Not sure, Mike's territory. -ML
(blue) Larose, ATM disagreed with our Wichita stance -Mike
right page

Current Residents have many unpleasant responsibili-
ties. If you are skilled or polyskilled, you'll wish you'd
never been added to the Blackstar Book. But just as we
bury Family Trees, we must too keep our dreams under-
ground until the proper time.

Without a doubt, Milwaukee living is marginally less
grim than it was during The Troubles. When things get
bad, you can always blow off some steam at Antoinette's,
the famous Bleecker Street card room ... listen to slow
jazz waft in from the piers as you "roll some bones," se-
cure in the knowledge that life may improve.

(handwritten notes)
(green, re: underlined phrase) WHATS THIS MEAN?
(red) Larose, see me -- -ML

(diagram) dice; #1 is 4, showing a 5 and Star; #2 is balanced with 2 and 4 up, 6 facing

New Responsibilities

Let's talk about The Creep. Best-known as the punch line
of the joke, "What's the only thing Go.D.S.E.E.D. frag-
ments won't destroy and consume," The Creep demands


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