From This is My Milwaukee
Milwaukee: A Reasonable Haven
Page 8, 9, 11
left page
(Milwaukee: A History continued)
will never invent a machine that travels under the sea."
The Dinosaur Viceroy was given to such statements.
Magnetism also played a rĂ´le [sic]. By DOR 200, the use of
turbines was well-established. It was a technology man
would soon steal - and with the replication of the com-
pass in 180, the playing field was finally level.
(diagram) flip-top, pointing (assumedly) east. N=pterodactyl, E=triceratops, S=brontosaurus, W=stegosaurus
"An early compass"
right lower page (torn)
submarines. So while no one can be sure, it seems cer-
tain that man's freedom from the dinosaurs coincided
with the advent of the Brass Age.
Which brings us to DORs 27 through 18 - the "Me
Decade." With the so-called "Ultimate" Warrior's refusal
right upper page (obscured)
Moving to Milwaukee is more than just a fun adventure - it's money in the bank. Here's a sampling of what the successful traveler stands to gain, just by relocating:
- MTC: Gender-specific rebreather
- (Blackstar): 1000 DD (Dark Dollars)
- FeBrizzio's: Seasonal employment opportunities
- MTC: Teen-specific rebreather, skateboard
- BS: 250 DD
- FeBrizzio's: Teen Dinner Time! coupon booklet
Former resident:
- MTC: "Welcome Back, Pard'ner!" gift basket
- BS: 5000 DD, 2 years Blackstar housing
- FeBrizzio's: Former Resident Pack
- MTC: 2500 DD
- BS: (none)
- FeBrizzio's: Family Pack
- MTC: MTC Clearance Card Red
- BS: personal luncheon with Terry Nanny
- FeBrizzio's: FeBrizzio's Sword of Slaying
Powerclass 40+:
- MTC: Personal luncheon with Anna Tate Mellon
- BS: Blackstar Sword of Slaying
- FeBrizzio's: Franchising opportunity
- MTC: Hyperboard
- BS: Big Key
- FeBrizzio's: FeBrizzio's Airship lifetime pass
(handwritten notes)
(red) why are we allowing Febrizzio's [obscured]