
From This is My Milwaukee
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I'm from the Dormant period, where I used to live in what was named New York City. I now live across the river in the Active period, though I haven't yet figured out where that might be on the map, as I'm currently constructing it.

Private drop on my research IRL

My mapping project, which has brought some resistance here.

I don't see the need to explain myself. You created a page that contained speculation, not facts, and it was obvious that you hadn't even looked through the "Milwaukee: A Reasonable Haven" booklet. I also didn't delete your information, I just moved it to the "Discussion" tab where the theories go. --Chrismenning 12:15, 14 December 2008 (MST)

Also, the latest drop is in San Francisco. Not New York. Milwaukee isn't the New New York. Milwaukee is Milwaukee.

cool thanks for the info. I get it now after talking to some real humans on IRC. Sorry to use this wiki as my first point of entry. Was just looking for some kind of first contact since I've been doing this alone, which it appears is not a good idea.

--Acrosstheriver 14:43, 14 December 2008 (MST)

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